2024 英文音樂劇

《The Little Mermaid》













演出日期: 2024年7月7日 (星期日)








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Neptune, the King of Mermen, was a happy merman who loved his beautiful young wife. They had a child called Annabelle, tragically the wife died after her birth. Odessa, the evil Queen of Humans, wanted to marry him, but Neptune saw her wickedness and banished her from his kingdom.

Annabelle grew up to become a bright happy mermaid who loved to explore reefs and visit the top of the ocean. One night, a boat carrying the handsome Prince Edward came. Prince Edward argued with his uncle, the Duke of Charleston, who insisted that he should have settled down and got married. Suddenly, a storm came and the ship tossed onto the waves. Prince Edward fell into the sea. Annabelle saw him drowning and rushed to help him. She pulled him ashore and sang sweetly to him as he slept. Soon the Duke reached them and asked Annabelle who she was. Annabelle was frightened and swam back into the ocean. The Duke carried Prince Edward to the Island Castle.

Annabelle desperately wanted to see Prince Edward again and become human. Queen Odessa told her that she had the powers to make her human if she paid a small price: her voice! Upon agreeing to this, the world was suddenly plunged into chaos. The Queen disappeared and Annabelle became human. She now had toes but no voice.

At the Island Castle, Chef Philippe was preparing a delicious buffet when Ginger and Nutmeg, the servants, told him that a Prince and a Duke came to the Castle. They secretly wished the Prince would marry one of them. Miss Callaloo, the housekeeper, told the Duke to lay the Prince on a table. Upon waking, Prince Edward said he would like to marry the girl who had sung beautifully to him. Annabelle appeared, but she was unable to sing as she had no voice.

Days later, Prince Edward walked with Annabelle and confessed his love for the girl who sang to him. Suddenly, he heard the voice. Odessa, disguised as a young girl, asked Prince Edward to marry her, and he happily agreed. On the wedding day, Odessa and Prince Edward walked up the aisle. Reverend Gumbo asked if anyone had any objections. Neptune then appeared and confronted Odessa with her vile plot. She laughed and asked him to give her his soul if he wanted to save his daughter. Neptune agreed. As they were about to exchange, Prince Edward remembered the Duke’s words: Love was the most powerful thing on earth. He realized that Annabelle was his true love and the spell broke allowing Annabelle to sing beautifully to him once again! Odessa ran away and Annabelle and Edward lived happily ever after.

在遙遠的海底世界裏,人魚國王尼普頓 (Neptune) 曾經是一位幸福的人魚,他深愛著他那美麗年輕的妻子。不幸的是,他們的孩子安娜貝爾 (Annabelle) 出生後,妻子便去世了。邪惡的人類女王奧德薩 (Odessa) 渴望與尼普頓結婚,但尼普頓看穿了她的邪惡本質,便將她驅逐出他的王國。

安娜貝爾長大成為一位充滿活力、快樂的美人魚,她喜愛探索珊瑚礁並觀看海面上方的世界。一個晚上,愛德華王子 (Prince Edward) 與他的叔叔查爾斯頓公爵 (Duke of Charleston)  在船上發生了爭執,公爵堅持王子應該結婚讓生活安定下來。突如其來的暴風雨使得船隻在波濤中翻滾,王子掉入了海中,安娜貝爾看見王子在溺水,急忙前去救助,並在他熟睡時甜美地唱歌給他聽。不久,公爵找到他們,並向安娜貝爾查詢她是誰,安娜貝爾感到害怕,便游回海洋。公爵亦把王子帶到島上的一個城堡。


在島上的一個城堡裏,廚師菲利普 (Chef Philippe) 正在準備一頓美味的自助餐,當姜 (Ginger) 和肉豆蔻 (Nutmeg) 兩位僕人急匆匆地來告訴他,有一位王子和公爵來到城堡,她們暗暗希望王子能娶她們。女管家卡拉盧小姐 (Miss Callaloo) 請公爵把王子放在桌子上,醒來後的王子表示,他想娶那位唱歌美妙的女孩。安娜貝爾出現了,但因為失去了聲音而無法唱歌。

幾天後,愛德華王子與安娜貝爾散步,並向她坦言自己愛上了那個擁有美妙聲音的女孩。突然,他聽到了那聲音,原來是奧德薩假扮成一個年輕女孩給他唱歌,奧德薩請求王子與她結婚,王子高興地答應了。婚禮之日,當雷夫倫甘波牧師 (Reverend Gumbo) 詢問大家是否對王子和奧德薩的婚姻關係有異議時,尼普頓出現並揭穿了奧德薩的邪惡陰謀。奧德薩邪惡地大笑,並向尼普頓說如果想救他的女兒,就要把他的靈魂獻給她,尼普頓無奈答應了。就在他們準備交換誓言之際,王子想起了公爵的話:愛是世上最強大的力量,他意識到安娜貝爾才是他真正的愛,魔咒隨即被打破,安娜貝爾再次用美妙的歌聲給他唱歌!奧德薩見事敗便逃走了,安娜貝爾和王子最後有情人終成眷屬,從此過着幸福快樂的生活。







Can't Stop the Music

Part of Your World

Blow the Man Down

Blow the Man Down (Reprise)

Under the Sea

Brahms Lullaby

Poor Unfortunate Souls


Brahms Lullaby (Reprise)

Here comes the Bride

Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise)

Brahms Lullaby (Reprise)

Blow the Man Down (Reprise)




Cast List/演員名單

Annabelle   4A 鍾苡澄
Edward   6B 李仲一
Duke   3A 周天旭
Neptune   6A 葉天睿
Marlin   5A 黃牧之
Bella   3B 古靄曈
Clara   4A 程焯瑩
Dora   5A 李樂程
Eva   5A 吳斯雨
Flora   5C 張芊泳
Gloria   6A 古靄澄
Gill   3D 盧卓萳
Octo   4B 吳綽蕎
Mack   4C 曾凱恩
Flow   4D 何奕穎
Pearl   5B 方蓓恩
Seal   5B 李宜蓁
Aruba   6A 張妍晞
Amira   6C 程思雅
Athena   6C 周正昕
Finny   5A 温茹玥
Denny   4C 孔佳宜
Tony   3A 曾琸嵐
Odessa   5C 陳采誼
Cecil   5B 池凱霖
Snicker   6A 余東頤
Sneak   6B 王浠怡
Captain Slappy   5A 李泓一
Billy Bones   4A 柯凱藍
Calica Jack   5C 鄭皓謙
Scurvy Dog   4B 羅子勛
Philippe   5C 葉 澄
Miss Callaloo   5B 康紫箏
Ginger   5C 鄭穎昕
Nutmeg   5C 王桓俞
Rev Gumbo   5D 李晉豪
Sea animal   1A 何耀嘉
Sea animal   1B 張貝盈
Sea animal   1C 陳凱婷
Sea animal   1C 鄭語喬
Sea animal   1C 朱愷晴
Sea animal   1C 黃詩程
Sea animal   2A 黃翠盈
Sea animal   2B 黃以心
Sea animal   2C 何菀潼
Sea animal   2C 李悦心
Sea animal   2D 鄭稀文
Sailor   1C 陳泆銘
Sailor   1C 鄭博睿
Sailor   3A 康紫齊
Sailor   4B 張栢軒
Sailor   4C 楊芷晴
Cook   1C 馮啓軒
Cook   1D 馬步之
Cook   1D 蕭溢熙
Cook   1D 黃芊潼
Cook   1D 容千雅
Cook   2B 曾熙惟


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